Learn English Innovatively: NSPU Discussed New Linguodidactic Methods

Every spring, teachers and educators of foreign languages discuss brand-new teaching methods at the Linguistic and Methodological School “Innovations in Teaching Foreign Languages”. The second part of the name changes every year. This time, it goes “Development of Cross-Cultural Competence in the Context of Digitalization of Education.” The School is organized by the NSPU Faculty of Foreign Languages ​.

- The All-Russian Linguistic and Methodological School 2024 is addressing a very serious topic. Nowadays, we understand perfectly well that one of the key problems that separates society and prevents it from uniting is fault lines which can arise on cultural grounds: ideology, religion and values. Solving this problem can help bring society together. Therefore, working with intercultural communication is a very important not only pedagogical, but also universal trend. On the one hand, knowledge of foreign languages ​​throughout the world is the norm for an educated person with a university degree. On the other hand, we all understand that it is very difficult not only for children, but also for students of non-linguistic faculties to stay motivated when learning languages. In that respect, we are very grateful to have outstanding representatives of the Russian methodological and translation schools here at this event. I’d like to encourage our young specialists to take advantage of the unique opportunity to listen and communicate with our guests now, - said prof. Tatyana Aleksandrovna Romm, NSPU Vice-rector for Scientific work, when opening the school.

The head of the School, prof. Ekaterina Alekseevna Kostina, Dean of the NSPU Faculty of Foreign Languages expressed special gratitude to the keynote speakers from the Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University and the Perm National Research Polytechnic University, who made presentations at the plenary session and held a number of master classes. The participants were Head of the Department of Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages prof. Konstantin Eduardovich Bezukladnikov, Associate Professor of the Department Mikhail Nikolaevich Novoselov, Professor of the Department of Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages ​​(as well as Professor of the Department of Continuing Psychological and Pedagogical Education of Ivanovo State University) Anna Aleksandrovna Prokhorova, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages, Linguistics and Translation prof. Elena Vadimovna Alikina.

This year, the Linguistic and Methodological School focused mainly on teaching English and Chinese. The master classes covered the following topics: working with scientific and technical literature in a foreign language, developing environmental awareness in lessons using authentic literature and using artificial intelligence in language teaching, and other issues.

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