The Innovative Management Training Course for Pedagogical Universities Management Staff completed its work

A closing ceremony finished the event, and the organizers of the Innovation Course and representatives of federal ministries addressed the participants.

The Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Tatyana Vasilyeva gave a closing speech:

- I want to thank each of you and all your colleagues. Our universities’ hard work, dedication and systemic growth have resulted in glorious achievement: this year, pedagogical major has become the third in the choice of university applicants. This is a great contribution of pedagogical universities and I’d like to express my gratitude for that.

Aleksey Blaginin, Director of the Department for Training, Professional Development and Social Welfare of Pedagogical Workers, addressed the participants of the Innovation Course:

- We have done a great job together: we have decided on the challenges that we face and on the tools that we can offer today to various target groups. Now, we have come to realize that firmly in agreement and cooperation we can do a lot. Our 33 universities have great power that we can use for the benefit of our country. We are able to ensure the technological independence that we have been talking about so much during these five days.

Rector of the Academy of the Ministry of Education of Russia Pavel Kuzmin opened the Innovative training course for management teams of pedagogical universities with his speech:

- This is the first time in the history of Russian education when such a large-scale event is being held. The outstanding feature that makes this course different from other educational events like this is the fact we have tried to go beyond the education system limits. We realize that a teacher training university is an agent of progressive changes not only in the educational system in general, but also in the region where this university functions and throughout the country.

Vice-Rector of the Academy of the Ministry of Education of Russia Khozh-Akhmed Khaladov summed up the project work:

– The innovation course brought together more than 350 participants, 33 management teams, 8 tracks of design solutions, it included 40 hours of educational program. Based on the results of our joint activities, there are 37 design solutions that have been developed.

The participants of the Innovative Management Course were management teams from 33 pedagogical universities of the country, representatives of educational authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, heads of institutions for the development of education and advanced training, as well as representatives of federal ministries and departments that interact with the education system.

The NSPU course program was presented by Rector Aleksey Dmitrievich Gerasyov, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Alexander Aleksandrovich Makeev, Director of the Institute of Additional Education Evgenia Borisovna Marushchak, Head of the Quality Management Department Irina Valerievna Barmatina, Head of the Informatization Department Evgeny Sergeevich Grushitsky, Head of the Youth Policy and Educational Activities Department Tatyana Vasilievna Lukina, Head of the Media center Yulia Borisovna Panachuk and Head of the Department of Theory and Methods of Educational Systems Boris Arkadievich Deych.

The innovative management training course for management teams of pedagogical universities was held from 12 to 18 September in Moscow. The event was organized by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the Academy of the Ministry of Education of Russia.

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