New Opportunities in Education: UAS project “ENGENERIA” Starts in the Novosibirsk Region

Project participants will: 

  • learn basics of design and development of unmanned autonomous systems (UAS) of various types; 
  • work in a team with like-minded people and experienced engineers; 
  • have practical classes and master classes on programming, mechanics, electronics and other aspects of creating and managing UAS; 
  • have testing of technological solutions and demonstrations of developed systems at a special testing ground.This project is a unique platform for schoolchildren aged 13 – 16. They will take part in various project activities, competitions and create prototypes of unmanned autonomous systems.

- “ENGENERIA” is designed to have 1,500 schoolchildren from 17 municipalities of the Novosibirsk region. The main goal of the project is to teach students basics of UAS, popularize engineering and technical education; and also train young people in solving industrial problems from leading enterprises in the region, - notes the project manager, Director of the NSPU Institute of Physics, Mathematics, Information and Technological Education Roman Vladimirovich Kamenev.

The project itself is an Engineering design test ground for Unmanned Autonomous Systems (UAS). It consists of three project tracks: the unmanned triathlon “ENGINERIA: Start”, the mentoring case-championship “ENGINERIA: Design”, the UAS industrial testing ground “ENGINERIA: Prototyping”.

- The “ENGINERIA” project reflects our mission to create an innovative environment for developing engineering skills and popularizing technical education among young people. We are proud to have this opportunity to inspire new generations to pursue engineering and look forward to seeing the results of our shared work! - says the head of the “ENGINERIA: Start” track, Director of the NSPU Technopark, Alexander Vladimirovich Malkov.

- This is a great opportunity for schoolchildren to show their talents in engineering and technology. The “ENGINERIA” project sets important targets to develop technical education and create professional environment for students, - says Sergey Vladimirovich Starkov, the head of the “ENGINERIA: Prototyping” track, Director of the NSPU Quantorium.

- The project is intended to become a platform to create and implement innovative ideas. We are ready to meet technical challenges and create the future together. Our goal is not only to teach schoolchildren the basics of engineering, but also to inspire them to create real projects that can change the world for the better, - says Natalya Vasilievna Rzhevina, the head of the “ENGINERIA: Design” track, Specialist in scientific and engineering development of the NSPU Quantorium.

Moreover, as part of the project, there will be a presentation of the created UAS prototypes for solving industrial cases in the format of an expert pitching session “ENGINERIA: Implementation”.

“ENGINERIA” will take place from May to November 2024 at different sites in the Novosibirsk region and in the Lugansk People's Republic. The project is a great opportunity for schoolchildren to learn and demonstrate new skills in engineering, they will also try their hand at solving real industrial problems.

The project is supported by the “Movements of the First” grant competition.


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