NSPU Professor Delivers Insightful Lecture on Contemporary Trends in Russian Studies to Chinese Students and Faculty Members

The lecture was conducted online and centered around the theme "Russian Language Personality: Types, Structure, Methods of Research". At the outset of her presentation, Marina Aleksandrovna extended her heartfelt thanks to Dalian University in China, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, and various other organizations for their invaluable support of initiatives dedicated to the study of the Russian language in China.

During the lecture, Professor Lappo underscored significant developments in Linguistics, placing particular emphasis on the anthropocentric approach and the theory of language personality.

The professor traced the evolution of the "language personality" concept, drawing on the influential works of esteemed scholars Viktor Vladimirovich Vinogradov and Yury Nikolaevich Karaulov. The discussion included a detailed exploration of the typology and structure of language personalities, as well as scientific methods for investigating the various levels of this structure and the technology involved in creating speech portraits. Marina Aleksandrovna showcased the findings from associative experiments, highlighting how associations vary based on linguistic and cultural contexts. Additionally, she analyzed common linguistic units and the stylistic features of linguistic expressions.

In her concluding remarks, Professor Lappo summarized the key points of the lecture, particularly highlighting the methodologies for investigating the three levels of language personality. She analyzed examples drawn from scientific literature, underscoring the importance of exploring the verbal-semantic, cognitive, and pragmatic dimensions to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the Russian language personality.

The audience engaged enthusiastically in the discussion, asking questions regarding the criteria used to select participants for research on speech behavior and inquiring why Russians frequently view business communication through a personal lens. There was considerable interest in the methodologies used to study the linguistic picture of the world, including surveys and various linguistic techniques.

The lecture generated great interest among Chinese Master's Degree and PhD students, contributing to the strengthening of international cooperation in the field of Russian studies and comparative linguistic research. Events like this facilitate meaningful dialogue among scholars from various nations and serve to promote the Russian language and culture on a global stage.

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