- Our task was not only to review the outcomes of our collaborative efforts that we began in 2024 together with the Ministry of Education of the Novosibirsk Region, but also to present the research report, discuss the prospects opened by the obtained conclusions, and outline our plans for 2025, - remarked Vice-Rector for Scientific work, Tatyana Aleksandrovna Romm.
Originally, the joint agenda for the research initiatives of the pedagogical universities and the regional Ministry of Education included the following topics:
- I believe our colleagues highlighted the intellectual and organizational strengths of the university's research efforts in an impressive and engaging manner. Throughout the course of the projects, some topics were refined, and today, in light of the current needs of the region and the country as a whole, teams of university researchers continue their efforts, - emphasised the Acting Rector of NSPU, Sergey Aleksandrovich Nelyubov.
The Minister of Education of the Novosibirsk Region, Maria Nailievna Zhafyarova, expressed her gratitude to the university staff and highlighted the practice-oriented nature of their research work, emphasising the identification of issues and effective strategies for addressing them within educational institutions in the region. Each of the research topics presented will be pursued further in 2025.
Thus, the team dedicated to scientific and methodological support for career guidance in schools will concentrate on how a child’s perceptions of a new profession evolve throughout the year. Researchers working on bullying prevention will focus on identifying and addressing various forms of aggression through teacher training. Additionally, teachers working with children from migrant families will be offered a scientific foundation for the values that help these children establish a sense of belonging to Russia as their new home. As for the prevention of suicidal behavior, it will reach a new stage of research development.