Technology teachers upgraded their professional skills at NSPU TechnoPark

About 300 teachers from Novosibirsk and the Novosibirsk region took part in the seminar. The event was timed to coincide with the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in Technology. The seminar included full-time and part-time activities, it took place at NSPU Interfaculty Technopark of Universal Pedagogical Competencies.

- We are glad that Technopark gives us a great chance not only to educate our students, but also to share our experience with school teachers. Reviewing new equipment, the way it can be used and analysis of new pedagogical programs are an integral part of improving the quality of education at our university, - commented the director of the NSPU Technopark Tatyana Alexandrovna Smirnova.

Head of the Department of Engineering and Technological Education of IFMITO Irina Ivanovna Nekrasova welcomed the participants of the seminar. In her opening speech she spoke about possible forms of interaction between the Novosibirsk Association of Technology Education Teachers and educational organizations in the region that provide further training in engineering and technology areas. She also informed the colleagues about supplementary educational courses, professional retraining courses for technology teachers and technology education teachers.

The participants also discussed some topical questions, namely, the transformation of the educational programs of the country to the new Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education and new requirements to develop educational programs for the compulsory subject "Technology" for grade 5 from September 1, 2022.

Associate Professor of the Department of Engineering and Technological Education of IFMITO Marina Gennadievna Volchek analyzed in detail the exemplary educational program in Technology, which will be taken as an example for technology teachers to develop their subject program by September 1, 2022. She also highlighted some problem area in the implementation of the invariant modules "Production and Technology", "Technologies for the Processing of Materials and Food Products" and described a wide range of opportunities for the implementation of the variable modules such as "Robotics", "3D modeling, prototyping, prototyping", "Computer graphics. Drawing”, “Automated systems”, “Animal husbandry” and “Crop production”, taking into account the specifics of a general educational organization.

The seminar updated the problematic issues of technological education in a modern school at the beginning of the new 2022-2023 academic year. According to the results of the discussions and the conducted electronic survey, the NAPTO is going to update their work plan for 2022 taking into account the received requests for methodological activities which can be successfully implemented at NSPU Interfaculty Technopark of Universal Pedagogical Competences and the NSPU Quantorium Pedagogical Technopark.

Victoria Sassa

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