The university hosted events dedicated to the culture, traditions and art of Eastern Asian countries. Students and teachers, as well as guests of the university, were welcomed to get acquainted with the rich culture of China, Japan, Korea and other countries.
The festival participants presented a variety of performances on stage. This year, not only NSPU undergraduates, but also schoolchildren from Novosibirsk took part in the concert, showing their performances on oriental themes. Songs and poems in Chinese, Mongolian, Buryat and other languages, traditional dances of the Eastern peoples, national clothes and costumes, playing rare musical instruments could be seen by the audience on that day.
- It took us a long time and a lot of efforts to prepare this show as we started in November 2022. Our students designed costumes and created performances. A lot of work has been done, especially when learning words in Chinese and Japanese. We also invited students from different universities of the Novosibirsk region to the concert. They all invested a lot of effort to make this event even more colorful and interesting, - says Elena Evgenievna Tikhomirova, Head of the Department of Theory, History of Culture and Museology of the Institute of History and Liberal Arts Education NSPU. – This is obviously a great experience in intercultural communication for all the participants, as they had to communicate and help guests from foreign countries. The general atmosphere was very exciting, everyone was thrilled and showed a great performance.
The Oriental Day also included some craft and entertainment sections. For example, in one room the participants were making traditional Japanese ikebanas while in the other one old Russian games were played, and the people were performing folk music. In addition, everyone could try their hand at the art of calligraphy and visit a real Chinese tea ceremony. For those who wanted to learn how to make origami there were various competitions for speed and ingenuity.
Alexander Terentiev